Storytelling Adventures
Where books run wild!
Before man learned to write, information was transmitted, and even handed down from generation to generation, orally. As such, the storyteller emerged as a vital member of society, combining entertainment with knowledge.
We’ve taken this age-old art form and given in a modern twist. Utilizing “The Whole Book Approach” from The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art to create a COLLABORATIVE, SHARED reading experience that makes picture books tools of learning.
We’ve taken this age-old art form and given in a modern twist. Utilizing “The Whole Book Approach” from The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art to create a COLLABORATIVE, SHARED reading experience that makes picture books tools of learning.
To inquire about a Storytelling Adventure, click HERE.
The kids’ favorite Reading Giraffe, Alphie, joins us for each Storytelling Adventure. And just where do five-foot-tall giraffes read? Anywhere they want!
The kids’ favorite Reading Giraffe, Alphie, joins us for each Storytelling Adventure. And just where do five-foot-tall giraffes read? Anywhere they want!